
Life can be complicated, what we eat should't be! 

Maintaining proper blood sugar throughout the day will eliminate cravings, increase energy, and heal insulin receptors. This is done by eating the right foods at the right times

You can't reach your goals if you don't understand your body's bioindividual needs. Stop trying to "find" yourself and LEARN what your cells are trying to communicate with you through your symptoms.  Uncover what your body needs through simple and affordable testing that I teach in my Simplified Program in order to prioritize and personalize your plan. 

Calories count but nutrients are what is truly the most important. Eating nutrient dense foods will provide your body with the vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and enzymes it needs to thrive at an optimal level of performance. Eating a variety of clean foods that are grown or raised in a healthy manner is the best way to insure proper nutrients.

Our bodies are made up of over 60% water. It’s essential for your organs to properly function and remove toxins from the body. With out it you will feel tired, cranky, headache, hungry, along with having poor circulation, digestion, and your athletic performance will be severely decreased. The best way to know if you are hydrated is by the color and output of your urine. It should be light or clear and you should be urinating every 2-4 hours.

 Inflammation damages your cells and arterial walls and causes digestive disorders and disease. Through proper steps it is essential to eliminate refined sugars and grains and unhealthy fats.







Simplified Nutrition is FOR YOU IF:

You want to learn how to stop the diet mystery and nonsense and drop  the mid-life pounds.

You are ready to let go of guilt and start enjoying food.

You really just want someone to tell you what freaking works so you can get rid of your belly fat!

You want delicious recipes without spending hours in the kitchen. 

Your in the right place

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