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To be honest, I'm not a blogger! The thought of it kind of makes me squirm, but I LOVE to share my knowledge and passion for fitness, nutrition, and all things healthy lifestyle. Rather than think of this as a blog, I'm going to think of it as a place to keep up with my friends. Please chime in, don't be shy. Your thoughts and opinions mean the world to me.
Fitness and Nutrition are my passion. I'm a mom, wife, ocean and pet lover with a little wander lust bug running through my veins!
My goal is to live life to the fullest, age gracefully, and inspire others along the way!
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How many times to we say or think, "Someday, I'll...."? Guess what? THIS is my someday. I've been dreaming of redoing my site, updating everything I've ever done, and here it is, I've done it and I'm so proud to share it with you.
If I had to sum up everything I do in one word it's SIMPLIFY. In a world of confusing diets and workout plans, I'm here to tell you what works and back it with science and 20+ years of experience.
Here's How>
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How many times to we say or think, "Someday, I'll...."? Guess what? THIS is my someday. I've been dreaming of redoing my site, updating everything I've ever done, and here it is, I've done it and I'm so proud to share it with you.